We're not that big, but we know every bit helps.
We do our part, where we can.
As a small, locally owned and operated business, we really do understand the importance of impact: we aim to minimize our impact on the environment, and we aim to maximize our positive impact on our local communities.
Without a healthy environment and healthy, happy people our business would not be possible--for these reasons we do our part in supporting local.
Each month, we purchase enough Gold Standard-Certified International Offsets to net-zero the GHG emissions we produce during our tours.
We're constantly investigating alternative fuels for our buses, including biofuel and electrification so we don't release any emissions, period.
As a small business, we understand the importance of community and taking care of your neighbour. We're fortunate enough to be able to offer our services, and our customers are fortunate to be able to partake in our awesome tours.
We also recognize that not everyone is this fortunate, and we believe our success should be our community's success, too.
Each year, Local Libations Inc will provide a Collingwood-based charity with a $2000 donation. We will give this money to a local charity that helps improve the lives of our fellow humans--we could all use a little help.
It's our way of saying thanks, and our way of recognizing that without a strong and healthy community our business would not thrive.
Information on our Local Libations Locally Better Fund will be posted Spring 2020.
We've decided to only purchase bottled water from Ice River Springs, in recognition of their industry-leading zero-waste-to-landfill bottling facilities and closed-loop recycling.
We use bottled water to keep our guests healthy and hydrated on their tours, and consider them to be the best available option for water on our buses, for now.